Homegroup TP & L
During this term the students in Homegroup TP have been learning about the different states and territories of Australia, how many there are, their location and their capital cities. They have spent some time looking at the map of Australia and labelling each state and territory, along with their capital cities. Students have also been exploring some of the natural and man-made features around Australia and distinguishing between the two.
During the weeks of the Commonwealth Games in Birmingham, our discussions revolved around what the word ‘Commonwealth’ means and we read about some of the famous athletes from Australia.
The students in Homegroup L have been exploring the impact of bushfires and floods on the environment and communities and identifying areas of Australia that are more prone to bushfires or flooding and why that might be the case. The students have also been learning how we can respond if we are ever in a situation where there is a natural disaster.
We have been exploring the influence of Aboriginial and Torres Strait Isalnder peoples, and how they cared for the environment, identifying similarities and differences that we see in our world today. We will finish off the term learning about Australia’s connections with other countries.