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Our school, along with the 45 Catholic schools in the Diocese of Sale, will celebrate Catholic Education Week from 17 May to 24 May.
The theme for this year’s celebrations is, A New Dialogue of Love, Hope and Joy, inspired by the Scripture passage, ‘See, I am Making All Things New’ (Rev. 21:5).
This theme symbolises an optimistic and hope-filled perspective on the world and a renewed approach to fostering positive change.
The theme emphasises the belief that transformation and renewal are possible in all aspects of life through individual choices. By following the life and teachings of Jesus, and embracing principles of compassion, peace, goodness, and justice, individuals can contribute to a more hopeful and joyful world, sowing seeds of positivity and hope.
Through this theme, Catholic schools aim to inspire young people to reflect on the Christian message and to showcase their efforts in contributing to creating a better world.
The hope is for staff, students, families, and parishes to embrace this meaningful time and for schools to celebrate their distinctive mission and share features that are special about their schools.
Members of staff will be attending a Leadership Eucharist and Awards ceremony to celebrate and recognise outstanding service and excellence of staff and students in Catholic education in our Diocese at presentations during Catholic Education Week.
Our school will also hold a prayer service next Tuesday at 2:40pm to celebrate Catholic Education Week, parents are welcome to attend.
Our School Photo Day is Monday 27th May.
Please see the attached flyer for purchasing 2024 School Photos.
If any families choose to have sibling photos they will need to arrive at school between 8.30am - 9.00am.
We have two fundraisers this term, and all proceeds and items donated will go to the St Vincent de Paul Society.
St Vincent de Paul Winter Appeal: Donate any canned or non-perishable items to the St Vincent de Paul Warragul Food Bank. Place your cans and items in the tubs located in the school office or classroom areas.
Crazy Hair Day- Friday, 7th June: Gold coin donation.
Please check your emails as statements have been sent to families on Tuesday 14/05/24.
This is a friendly reminder to all Fee Payers that have elected to pay their fees in full that Fees are now due.
You can pay in person in the office via EFT/cash or pay via transferring funds directly into our account.
Bank details as follows:
St Angela of the Cross Primary School Warragul
BSB : 083-879
Account Number : 44-174-9009
Reference : Your Name
If you would like to request an extension or payment plan please contact our Finance Officer, Lauren Soumilas and we can organise an arrangement to suit.
New School Uniform Item | Soft Shell Jacket
Thank you to all families that have completed consent via PAM for Bike Education next week.
This will take place during student PE lessons.
Wednesday 22nd May
3/4C, 3/4A, 5/6M, 1/2M, 1/2S
Thursday 23rd May
1/2B, 1/2E, Foundation C, Foundation K, Foundation V
Reflection With Deacon Mark Kelly | Go Team!
Go Team!
Pentecost Jesus is the Super-Coach. He appears to a scared and motley mob of wannabe disciples, goodhearted but confused, still unsure about the game plan; gives them a pep talk, breathes the Holy Spirit into them and they burst out, transformed into Christ’s church. (Acts 2:1-11/ 1 Cor 12:3-13/ Jn 20:19-23)
“Peace be with you,” he says, sending his team out, not to rest on a quiet, palm fringed, beach, but to bold, courageous proclamation of the Word. His is a deeper, more lasting peace. Peace in the surety of God’s love and the ability to deal with whatever the world throws at them. Jesus’ directive spreads the apostles to the corners of the known world and beyond. They and many of the first followers of the Way (Christians) will be despised, persecuted, tortured, and executed, but we are believers today because of them.
Jesus has a mission for them, and the Holy Spirit empowers them with authority, equipment, and a plan of action. They enthusiastically erupt out of the “change room”, preaching fearlessly as they begin their mission!
Pope Francis encapsulates the experience: “Spirit-filled evangelisers means evangelisers fearlessly open to the working of the Holy Spirit. At Pentecost, the Spirit made the apostles go forth from themselves and turned them into heralds of God’s wondrous deeds, capable of speaking to each person in his or her own language. The Holy Spirit also grants the courage to proclaim the newness of the Gospel with boldness in every time and place, even when it meets with opposition.
Let us call upon him today, firmly rooted in prayer, for without prayer all our activity risks being fruitless and our message empty. Jesus wants evangelisers who proclaim the good news not only with words, but, above all, by a life transfigured by God’s presence.” (Evangelii Gaudium p183).
Deacon Mark Kelly
You can obtain a copy of "Much Given" through Booktopia, but to maximise the donation to the Brigidine Asylum Seeker Project then it is best ordered direct from Rev Deacon Mark Kelly.
Account Name: Mark Kelly
BSB: 633000 Acct Number: 144481207
Amount: $29.95 (+ $9 postage if needed) $38.95
Description: Much Given (+ postage)