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- Principal's Message
- Uniform
- Car Line
- Chocolate Drive Fundraiser
- New Sandpit
- School Photos
- Primary School Health Assessment
- After School Care Program in 2022
- Calm Kid's Central
- Reflection from Deacon Mark Kelly
- Visual Arts
- Our Holiday Adventures!
- Performing Arts
- We are SunSmart
- Along the Track
- Upcoming Events
Dear Parents and Guardians
Welcome to Term 4! It has been nice to have our F-2 students start the term with us and we look forward to welcoming our students from grade 3-6 in the coming weeks.
From Monday 11th October, a staggered approach will apply so all students are back in the classroom at least part-time. Years 3-4 will attend school on Tuesdays and Wednesdays, and Years 5-6 will attend on Thursdays and Fridays.
From Tuesday 26 October, all students will be back in the classroom full-time.
Grade 3-6 Camp & Swimming
With the COVID numbers still extremely high and now filtering to Regional Victoria it is more crucial than ever to ensure the safety of our children. Restrictions still remain the same with only essential visitors allowed on school site. Due to tough restrictions we have also made the hard decision to cancel our School Swimming Program ($75 per Student) and Grade 3-6 Camp ($270 Gr 3-6). Whilst disappointing we do so with our students and schools best interest at heart.
School Fee Concession Program
Many in our school community continue to face financial impacts as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. We are committed to supporting families experiencing financial challenges through our School Fee Concession programs, and encourage any parent/carer/guardian experiencing difficulties to contact us regarding fee assistance.
Please contact Lauren Soumilas on 5622 9800 or email to explore confidential financial support arrangements or to obtain further information.
Unwell Students
Students who are unwell must not attend school. This includes those
showing even mild symptoms of coronavirus (COVID-19).
- fever
- chills or sweats
- cough
- sore throat
- shortness of breath
- runny nose
- loss of sense of smell or taste.
In certain circumstances headache, muscle soreness, stuffy nose, nausea, vomiting and diarrhoea may also be considered symptoms. If a child becomes unwell during the day, they must be collected from school. If you or someone you have had close contact with contracts COVID-19 please let the school know ASAP to ensure the safety of all in our community.
Changes to Staffing
We would like to wish Mrs Holly Hatch all the best as she goes on maternity leave. Ms Kasey Burrell will be her replacement during this time. We thank Holly for all of her efforts at St Angela of the Cross this year and look forward to hearing the news of the safe arrival of her new addition.
Term 4 Specialist Timetable
Wednesday | Performing Arts
Friday | Japanese, PE and Visual Arts
A reminder that term four is Summer Uniform for all students. Students must wear a hat when outside at recess and lunch times
All students being transported to school via vehicle must utilise the school car line for both pick up and drop off. This is to minimise social gatherings on school grounds.
A reminder to please remain in your car, staff will walk students over and manage the dismissal of students/families one car at a time. Thankyou in advance for your patience and compliance ensuring the safety of our community.
All vehicles must enter the school from the Downton Street entry.
This term the Parents and Friends Committee will be running a Chocolate Drive Fundraiser.
Chocolates will be sent home next week, if you don’t wish to receive a box to sell please advise the office asap.
Thank you to the Parents and Friends Committee for organising this fantastic fundraiser for our school.
Thanks to the great fundraising of our Parents and Friends Committee and the kind donations from Latrobe Valley Sands a school sandpit has been installed over the holidays. Our students had the most wonderful time playing in it yesterday.

Due to restrictions our school photos were postponed last term. Unfortunately it is looking unlikely that we will be able to have our contractor, Foons Photography onsite during Term 4 to photograph our students.
We believe that school photos are an important part of recording a child's journey throughout their schooling years and have been working hard to have this available to our families.
We have been in discussions with Foons Photography and have come to the agreement that the photography will now be conducted in-house by a staff member and will be sent offsite to Foon's photography for printing.
We are pleased to announce that the new school photo day will be held on Monday 8th November.
All packages will be available including sibling photography. Please see below for some early samples of the photos layout and quality.
Photo forms will be distributed this week.
Primary School Health Assessment
The Primary School Nurse will our visiting your school on Friday 8th October to conduct Health Assessments on our Foundation students.
The Primary School Nursing Program gives parents/guardians, teachers and nurses the opportunity to work together to promote health and well-being for
children at school. The Primary School nurse will review the School Entrant Health Questionnaire that has been sent home and additional follow up and assessment may be completed at school. This may include a vision, hearing, speech and/or oral health check.
After School Care Program in 2022
Major incidents such as the COVID-19 pandemic can have impacts on mental health and wellbeing. It is normal for children and young people to show signs of distress. Common reactions include:
fear and anxiety
anger and frustration
Calm Kid Central offers videos, articles and 'cheat sheets' to help parents support their children's mental health. There is also a Help center where parents can ask questions and Psychologists give helpful, proactive suggestions. Families in Gippsland have free access to Calm Kid Central by using the code "FIRSTYEAR'.
Reflection from Deacon Mark Kelly
That All Be Saved
Jesus affirms in today’s gospel that salvation is impossible for men “but not for God: because everything is possible for God.” (Mk 10:17-30) This is the great hope of us all! Even the best of humankind, who might have given away everything including their lives for God, still cannot “earn” salvation. No amount of points we can score or medals win which can force God to admit us to eternal life. We are generously offered that out of love for each of us, in spite of, not because of, our flawed selves. Of course we do have it in our power to reject the offer of salvation; that is our free will.
Each of us recognises the plight of the rich young man in today’s story, because we have all been there ourselves. Most of us want to do good, to be good, but we find ourselves repeatedly falling short of perfection. We do try, but like the young man, our circumstances, our worldly possessions and interests retard us. Rightly we are sad; how are we to be saved?
From earliest days the Church has taught the possibility that all people are saved and, echoing today’s gospel, the Catechism (CC 1058, 1821) reminds us that, “The Church prays that no one should be lost”. Pope Saint John Paul II often taught the doctrine of universal salvation, expressing the hope that all will be saved. If it is true that no one can save himself, it is also true that God; desires all men to be saved; (1 Tim 2:4), and that “everything is possible for God.” (Mk 10:27). Joyfully we recall God’s awesome mercy and fathomless love for us. Against all the odds, our efforts are good enough for God. We struggle as best we can, and in so doing, we are assured, not that we will earn salvation, but that it will be given to us.
Deacon Mark Kelly
It was so lovely to hear our classrooms full of chatter and laughter again with our F-2 students and some students from Homegroup 3, returning after their two-week holiday break. We reflected on our holidays by writing a holiday recount. It sounds like so much well-deserved fun was had! Read on to find out about some of our adventures!
I celebrated my 11th birthday by doing fun activities with my family. – Frankie
I slept in my Dad’s caravan with my cousin Ryder. – Oscar
I saw my Grandparents for the first time in four months. Liam
I helped my Dad work on a 2014 Ford Courier. – Quinn
I went to the water park at Inverloch. – Anna
My cousins came over and we played outside. – Flynn
I went to Phillip Island and played soccer on the beach. - Blake
I went to Lakes Entrance and I did lots of swimming. – Georgie
I had my Mum’s birthday and we went bowling. – Archie
I played my Nintendo switch at my Nan’s house - Teddy
Term 4

NAPLAN for Grade 3 and 5 Students
12 Mar 2025 - 14 Mar 2025 |
NAPLAN for Grade 3 and 5 Students
17 Mar 2025 - 21 Mar 2025 |
Andrew Chinn Visit
All day |
District Athletics Carnival
All day |
Free Dress Day (bring an Easter Egg)
All day |
Last Day for Students | Easter Egg Raffle
All day |
End of Term 1 | School Closure Day (No Students)
All day |
Students begin Term 2
All day |
School Cross Country
All day |
School Closure Day (No Students)
All day |
School Closure Day (No Students)
All day |
School Closure Day (No Students)
All day |
School Closure Day (No Students)
All day |