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- Principal's Message
- Reflection from Deacon Mark Kelly | Saving the World
- Calm Kid Central
- Third week of Lent
- First Reconciliation
- Homegroup 1 & 2
- Recontextualising St Angela
- Japanese with Taylor Sensei
- Performing Arts
- The Get Active Kids Voucher Program
- Marist-Sion College | Information Event
- Community Notices
- Upcoming Events
Dear Parents,
Having strong relationships with parents in our school community is vitally important as it helps us to not only better support your child with their education but also to hear your voice in matters that arise within our school community.
In my last newsletter I asked for parent volunteers who may like to join a School Advisory Committee. We are fortunate that we did receive four willing nominations from parents who are keen to promote, discuss and provide feedback to the school. All nominees understand the important role they play in being the voice of the broader population of parents as well as being able to be respectful, confidential and supportive of all school decisions.
Our 2021 Advisory Committee;
Chairman: Justin Greenwood
Secretary: Rachael Williams
Parish Priest: Fr Peter Slater
Parent Representatives: Kristy Telford, Cassandra Dahini, Amie De Battista, Paul Lecher
Easter Raffle
This Friday is a casual clothes day for the students if they bring an Easter Egg along to go towards our Easter Raffle. Please see the below flyer for further details.
Please indicate in the below if you would like to assist us on Tuesday 16th March with putting together our prizes.
Parent Helper | Easter Raffle Prizes
School Assembly
At the start of term 2 we will begin to have School Assemblies every second Friday at 3:00pm, alternate weeks to the newsletter. Due to mass gathering restrictions these assemblies will be held outside in the under-cover area (weather permitting).
Enrolments for 2022
We are currently taking enrolments for the 2022 school year, if you have a child starting or know of anyone who is interested please get in contact with the office to book an interview ASAP.
Athletics Carnival
On Monday 29th March we are holding our inaugural St Angela Athletics Carnival for all students. Students will rotate through a number of different activities on the day, more details will be sent home in due course. As this event is outside parents are welcome to attend and Mr Carroll would love some parent helpers to assist on the day.
Please indicate in the below poll if you would like to assist us on Monday 29th March?
Parent Helper | Athletics Carnival
Reflection from Deacon Mark Kelly | Saving the World
“God loved the world so much that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him may not be lost” and he came not to condemn but to save the world (John 3: 16-17). Christians find these perhaps the most reassuring passages in scripture. Despite our imperfect understanding, our sometimes faulty actions, our flickering belief, God is firmly on our side. We should build on that belief, perhaps praying, “Lord I believe. Help me overcome my un-belief.”
We have free will and could choose to reject the salvation offered; but why would we? But what of those who haven’t properly heard of the Good News of salvation? At first glance this gospel seems to exclude them.
Pope Francis assures us though that, “The Lord has redeemed all of us, all of us, with the Blood of Christ: all of us, not just Catholics. Everyone! Even the atheists. Everyone!” (Vatican 22 May 2013). God wills the salvation of all and so the offer is on the table for everyone.
Our Catechism tells us that “Those who, through no fault of their own, do not know the Gospel of Christ or his Church, but who nevertheless seek God with a sincere heart, and, moved by grace, try in their own actions to do his will as they know it through the dictates of their conscience—those too may achieve eternal salvation” (CCC847).
Pope Francis asks, “How do we behave with our brothers and sisters, especially with those who are not Christians? Are we impediments to their encounter with God? Do we hinder or facilitate their encounter with the Father?” The pope concludes, saying: “Today we ask for the grace to recognize and encourage the ever new ways in which the Risen One pours out His Spirit into the world and attracts hearts.”
Deacon Mark Kelly
Calm Kid Central is offering parents a free zoom seminar on CALM AND CONFIDENT KIDS.
Please see attached flyer for details.
For more information on the Calm Kid Central online resource, please contact Holly Peterson.
Our second workshop will be held on Wednesday, 10th March, 7pm at St Ita's School Hall or on Thursday, 11th March at 4pm or 7pm at St Joseph's Church Warragul.
Please keep these children and their families in your prayers as they continue their faith journey together.
We pray they grow in their knowledge and love for God and each other.
For more information please contact Therese on 0499 116 428.
St Angela of the Cross Feast Day
Homegroup 1 and 2 had a great day on Tuesday celebrating St Angela of the Cross. The students had so much to say about our fantastic day:
We are the only school in Australia to be named after St Angela of the Cross. - Chad
She gave up food on Friday for the poor. - Ella L
I enjoyed singing at Mass. -Teddy
She was well known for being a very nice lady. We can help people at our school just like she did.- Isla
We were drawing on tiles in Art to make an outline of St Angela.- Joshua
We chose a story about something St Angela did and we acted it out in Performing Arts like helping the poor and sick. - Chloe
We have to be quiet and sit still when we go to church. Sometimes we sing and kneel. - Antonette
Father Peter read a story from the Bible.- Blake
We had a great time having morning tea with our parents.- Sophia. S
Comboniです Comboni desu.
Comboni am.
トトロです。Totoro desu.
Here are some videos of students introducing themselves to Totoro.
Willow and Lola are working together on writing a Japanese letter “ku” くon the ipad hiragana app.
We started numbers in Japanese too.
一ichi ,二 ni, 三san, 四yon, 五go, 六roku.
Home group 2 also developed reading skills by chopping up a sentence and making a new 2 letter combination. Some of them made actual Japanese words.
From this sentence: ~がありますか?~ga arimasu ka? Do you have ~?
A new word あか = aka = red
The Get Active Kids Voucher Program
Children must be aged 4 to 18 and named on a valid Health Care Card or Pensioner Concession Card and Medicare card to be eligible.
Please follow the link for more information,
Net Set Go
Warragul Blues Football
Club House Boot Camp
School Holiday Program
At Club House we believe a Cool Life is worth preparing for.
We believe every child is capable of amazing things provided they have the support they need to achieve.
“Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much.” –Helen Keller
We’ve created a ‘Boot Camp’ style holiday program with creative FUN activities aimed to teach kids real-life skills focusing on our core values:
Social Connection | Resilience | Independence
We cater for 5 – 12 year olds. Although most of our activities are targeted to the 8 – 12yr olds we adapt the activities to suit the younger members when possible.
There is a variety of activities on offer daily in ADDITION to feature activities, so there is always something for EVERYONE. We encourage the practice of imaginative play, a time to BE without ‘doing’ and the pleasure relaxed banter brings.
To see the full program, click below: