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- Principal's Message
- Athletics Carnival
- School Uniform Update
- Reflection from Deacon Mark Kelly | Don't back down!
- Holy Week Timetable 2021
- Sacrament of Reconciliation
- Homegroups 1 and 2 Police Visit
- Cartooning with Mrs Burrell
- Performing Arts with Mrs Hatch
- Japanese with Taylor Sensei
- Calm Kid Central
- Upcoming Events
- Community Notices
Dear Parents,
At St Angela’s we are extremely lucky to have teachers who are not only high quality but who are dedicated hardworking professionals who have your child’s best interest at heart. Despite all of our efforts, at times things will go wrong for students at school. It is only natural that all children will go through some learning difficulties, relationship issue or other grievances from time to time. This is where our avenues of communication and trust and support of each other as adults and professionals is important.
Concerns need to be directed to the school at all times, if we voice our concerns as carpark gossip or through social media forms with other parents, especially in the presence or knowledge of our children we often get a different version of the reality that has or is taking place. It can also place unfair negative talk on teachers, parents and students. Our children and school community do not benefit from gossip or innuendo.
Student Leadership
Hearing the voice of our students and giving them opportunities to develop as leaders and individuals is importance to us. For 2021 the school leadership team has decided that all students from grade 3-6 will form the Student Representative Council (SRC). These students will meet twice termly with me to communicate what’s working well (WWW) in our school and Even Better If (EBI).
We are also asking for nominations for four Social Justice Leaders to help organise and facilitate school awareness of fund-raising initiatives, care of our school environment and resources and providing examples of the behaviour and safety responsibilities of all students. Students interested in these positions have been asked to write a letter to me by the end of the term, successful applicants will be selected by the school staff and announced at our first assembly on Friday 30th April.
Importance of Reading
Learning to and fostering a love of reading is one of the most important skills for students. At St Angela’s your children will receive nightly reading which we strongly encourage you to complete with your child and to sign and send their diaries to school each day. The poster below highlights the significance and importance of reading!
Lunch Orders
We are very pleased to announce that we have secured a lunch order provider to begin in Term 2. Lunch orders will be available for purchase every Friday.
Our local provider is Almentios, who focus on lots of healthy “green and amber foods” (most of which is homemade), as well as a few “red” processed items on the menu that are not offered as regularly.
Almentios uses an online ordering system called Flexischools, which is an easy app or website, where each family set up an account and order.
Please see the below flyer for further information on account setup.
Students will bring home a copy of this flyer this week.
Classroom Open Afternoon
Parents are invited to our end of term, Open Afternoon. Our students have been working very hard and would love to share their work with you. Classrooms will be open on Wednesday 31st March from 2:00pm to 3:00pm. Please stay for our Easter Raffle at 3pm. Please note this will be the final day of Term 1 for all students, due to a staff closure day on Thursday.
Easter Raffle
A reminder that your Easter Raffle books are due by Tuesday 30th March, ready for our Easter Raffle on Wednesday 31st March.
Extra booklets can be collected from the office.
Thankyou to the wonderful mums for putting together our Raffle Prizes.

Library Help
We have a library full of books that need some contact covering. If you would like to help the school with this task, please see the office staff for a take home bundle. Any help big or small will be appreciated.
Enrolments for 2022
We are currently taking enrolments for the 2022 school year, if you have a child starting or know of anyone who is interested please get in contact with the office to book an interview ASAP.
School Assembly
At the start of term 2 we will begin to have School Assemblies every second Friday at 3:00pm, alternate weeks to the newsletter. Due to mass gathering restrictions these assemblies will be held outside in the under-cover area (weather permitting).
Athletics Day Bows
School bows are available to collect from the office for Athletics Day.
Thankyou to Belinda Atkins for kindly making and donating these lovely bows to our students.
We have been advised by Beleza in Warragul that all uniform items are currently in stock with the exception of the below items:
- Girls Summer Dresses
- Girls Winter Tunics
We strongly encourage all parents with missing uniform items to attend the uniform shop to be fitted and/or purchase. This will ensure that any outstanding uniform orders will be filled immediately once available in store. A copy of the uniform list can be found below.
We are hopeful that the girls Winter Tunics will be available for the beginning of Term 2, and that the girls Summer Dresses will be available for Term 4.
Please note that the boys uniform is available in its entirety, so all boys are now expected to be in full school uniform. All students should now have a St Angela's hat, school bag and reader bag.
We apologise in for the delay in the availability of our school uniforms. We will continue to provide updates as they are received and sincerely appreciate your patience in this matter.
Beleza Warragul Opening Hours
*Please note the uniform shop will be closed from 2pm on Thursday 1st April (9:00am-2:00pm) and will re open on Monday 12th April (normal hours resume)
Monday | 9:00am to 5:00pm |
Tuesday | 9:00am to 5:00pm |
Wednesday | 9:00am to 5:00pm |
Thursday | 9:00am to 5:00pm |
Friday | 9:00am to 5:00pm |
Saturday | 10:00am to 1:00pm |
Sunday | Closed |

Reflection from Deacon Mark Kelly | Don't back down!
Don’t back down!
Jesus and the authorities were never going to get on! Jesus won’t stop courageously delivering the Good News of the already present Kingdom of God, and, after his temple challenge, events seem inevitable. The authorities were always going to get rid of him, but they wanted to carry out the operation without causing a major riot. Waiting a few days, they arrest Jesus on trumped up charges with a guilty verdict and execution a forgone conclusion. (Peaceful protesters around the world get similar treatment from 21st century bullies and dictators).
Mark’s “Passion Narrative” in the Palm Sunday gospel (Mark 14:1-15:47) gives us a complete account of Jesus final days, his trial, death and resurrection. Jesus has opportunities to back down, avoiding suffering, humiliation and death, but he is on a mission.
From this and the other gospels, we know the story with the eyes of faith, but what does history tell us? Serious scholars, whether Christian or not, agree that Jesus certainly existed. Disinterested and non-Christian sources support the bare bones of our gospel accounts and many of the events we Christians attribute to him are historically verifiable.
One thing is certain: he was condemned to death during the reign of Tiberius, by the governor Pontius Pilate. We have that information from Tacitus, the famous Roman historian. Getting rid of the leader should have scared off his followers and sympathisers. But Flavius Josephus (the famous Romanised Jewish writer) “says the same thing, and adds some interesting details: Jesus “attracted many Jews and many people of Greek origin. And when Pilate, because of an accusation lodged by some of our leaders, condemned him to the cross, those who loved him did not stop loving him.” (Pagola p353). Soon after fleeing in disarray, those Jews and Greeks are back! They (and we) experience an astounding Easter surprise!
Deacon Mark Kelly
Tuesday 30th March 7.30pm Warragul
HOLY THURSDAY: (April 1st)
Mass of the Lord’s Supper:
7.30 pm at Warragul, Drouin and Neerim South.
GOOD FRIDAY: (April 2nd)
Stations of the Cross
St. Joseph’s Warragul: 10.30am
St. Ignatius Neerim South: 10.30am
Civic Park Drouin: 10.30am (Starting from eastern end off Hopeton Rd)
Celebrations of the Lord’s Passion
3.00 pm at Warragul, Drouin and Neerim South
7.30 pm at Warragul and Drouin
Warragul: 9.00
Neerim South: 9.30am
Drouin: 10.30am
Warragul: Wednesday: 9.ooam – 9.25
Drouin Saturday: 9.30am - 10.15am
Warragul: Saturday: 10.30am – 11.00am
Congratulations to Oliver, Joshua and Alex who participated in Reconciliation on Thursday.
We thank the students and their families for their commitment in preparing for this special time in their faith journey.
We continue to keep Isaac in our prayers as he completes his journey later in the year.
Homegroups 1 and 2 Police Visit
As part of our Inquiry unit titled ‘Our Community’, students in Homegroups 1 and 2 had a special visit from Police Officers Brendan and Rick.
We learnt about the role of a Police Officer, why the police are so important to our community and how they keep our community safe.
Here are some of the student’s thoughts on the police visit.
The police have 000 on their car, that’s an emergency number. – Chloe
We got to see their police badge, camera and their walkie-talkie. – Haven
They wore a green vest. – Aaron
They carried a taser. – Rose
They wore a protective vest to protect themselves. – Frankie
The police check on sick people and the elderly and they visit schools. – Billie
The police like us to give them a high 5 and to say hello. – Xander

We have been learning about portrait drawing and artists who use the medium of cartooning to create artworks. We learnt the process of cartooning and followed the steps to make our own cartoons. What an amazing job everyone did!
Performing Arts with Mrs Hatch
Image 1- Home Room Group 1 'Mirroring.'
Image 2 'Freezing in Action.'
Image 3 'Creating Freeze Frames.'
Watashi wa Susan desu.
トトロを だく!
Totoro o daku!

-daku means cuddle.
In Japanese it is not customary to cuddle. Bowing is how Japanese show respect and connection. Except, of course, for children in families!!
And because plush totoro is just too cute not to!
If you would like to watch Totoro as a family, it is on Netflix. We will watch little snippets in class
Calm Kid Central is offering parents a free zoom seminar on CALM AND CONFIDENT KIDS.
Please see attached flyer for details.
For more information on the Calm Kid Central online resource, please contact Holly Peterson.
NAPLAN for Grade 3 and 5 Students
12 Mar 2025 - 14 Mar 2025 |
NAPLAN for Grade 3 and 5 Students
17 Mar 2025 - 21 Mar 2025 |
Andrew Chinn Visit
All day |
District Athletics Carnival
All day |
Free Dress Day (bring an Easter Egg)
All day |
Last Day for Students | Easter Egg Raffle
All day |
End of Term 1 | School Closure Day (No Students)
All day |
Students begin Term 2
All day |
School Cross Country
All day |
School Closure Day (No Students)
All day |
School Closure Day (No Students)
All day |
School Closure Day (No Students)
All day |
School Closure Day (No Students)
All day |
Club House Boot Camp
School Holiday Program
At Club House we believe a Cool Life is worth preparing for.
We believe every child is capable of amazing things provided they have the support they need to achieve.
“Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much.” –Helen Keller
We’ve created a ‘Boot Camp’ style holiday program with creative FUN activities aimed to teach kids real-life skills focusing on our core values:
Social Connection | Resilience | Independence
We cater for 5 – 12 year olds. Although most of our activities are targeted to the 8 – 12yr olds we adapt the activities to suit the younger members when possible.
There is a variety of activities on offer daily in ADDITION to feature activities, so there is always something for EVERYONE. We encourage the practice of imaginative play, a time to BE without ‘doing’ and the pleasure relaxed banter brings.
To see the full program, click below: